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My Embodied Devotion... in the creation of my heart-felt business & heart-led vision...

Uncategorized Apr 09, 2024


When I decided to devote myself to the EMBODIMENT of my business & heart-felt vision...

I knew that I wanted it to feel...

Deeply loving



I am where I am in my business vision, here today, for a number of reasons.

Here are just a few of them...

...Regular Embodied Practice...

a devotion to meeting myself with the same Compassion, Presence, Grace & Self-Leadership

I invite other women into every day

A Devotion to...

...Somatic self-awareness.

...Radical honesty & self-responsibility.

...Unwavering self-compassion.

...Deeper self-enquiry.

....Deeper self-integrity.

....Cultivation of self-trust.

...Daily Embodiment of my core values. 

...Supporting myself to receive and to feel held by my peers in loving & supportive community. 

...Investing in empowering & life-enhancing experiences with women who inspire me deeply.

...Aligned mentorship with heart-led, embodied & visionary women. 


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Heart-Led Business... Where it all began...

Uncategorized Apr 09, 2024

Where it all began...


In 2021...

My loves, I stepped back from my first business (The Centre Space - 2020), and surrendered into the void... the unknown...

I made this choice, because I realised I wasn't fully Embodying my message, my vision, my heart. 

Sure... I 'appeared' confident... 

Sure... I was talking the talk...

Yet I wasn't fully 'feeling it'...

I wasn't fully 'breathing it' into my entire being.

I was fully 'leaning in'...

I wasn't fully believing in it. 

I wasn't believing in me. 

Or my vision. 

A part of me was still searching, seeking, chasing, striving for something through my business.

Sure, I was creating the business... 

Yet a part of me still felt deeply unfulfilled and misaligned. 

Imposter syndrome grew deeper...

Validation seeking became debilitating...

My confidence plummeted with every post, heart-felt expression, creation... offer... that didn't quite receive the engagement I'd hoped...

After a year of...

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The Year I Chose to Embody my Business & Everything Changed....

Uncategorized Apr 09, 2024

Winter 2022...

A year of gradually preparing to reduce, and leave the stressful career I'd been building since the tender age of 14... (Child Development, Psychology, Play & Creative Arts Therapy...)

to become the embodiment of my Heart's Deepest Calling & Vision...

To birth a vision that felt...

Deeply aligned

True in my heart

Alive in my belly 

A deep spaciousness in my throat...

A deep Remembering in my womb...

A deep knowing that I am embodying my core values in everything I breathe my heart into...

Jan 2023... was the year I invested in Me, and the EMBODIMENT of my Heart, my Relationships, my Business, my Vision. 

I continue to breathe my life, my essence, my heart into Her each and every day...

No longer as my 'work'...

But as my 'way of being...'

She has become a creative, authentic, empowering canvas... through who I live my life, my desires, my passions, my relationships... 


She is me.

I am...

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Enter the world of soulful entrepreneurship...Ā 

Uncategorized Apr 09, 2024

Enter the world of soulful entrepreneurship... 

As I entered more deeply into the online business world... I felt like I was going from one rat-race to another... 

The ever-growing world of wellbeing... healing... coaching...  

I felt so fortunate at times... after a lifetime of feeling caged, restricted and disconnected... and after embarking on my personal self-discovery journey in 2015... 

2020 landed... my first taste of coaching... and the birth of my first business... and I started to feel like a kid in a sweet shop! 

So... many courses... 

So... many certifications... 

So... many retreats... 

So... many healing modalities...  

The sweet shop quickly became a supermarket of endless consumption, comparison, overnight transformation healing, endless striving for the next experience, the next modality, the next certification... the next fix. 

The healing world than seemed to quickly become less about what...

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Running a Heart-led Business ~ Let's talk numbers...Ā 

Uncategorized Apr 09, 2024

Running a Heart-led Business ~ Let's talk numbers... 

My love,  

You were never solely in this for the money, we know that... yet you know you can't keep pouring your heart into your vision and your heart's passion without any return or stability. 

The financial security, the regular clients, the consistent engagement with what you're offering, is what you feel will continue to support you on this heart-led mission.

This steadiness, will support you in freeing up the space in your heart, for more of your creativity, your passion and your wisdom to flow through into the Collective.

Where it is so needed right now. 

As an embodied business owner, who decided to go 'all in' in January 2023, I'm not going to sit here and pretend that it's been easy. Or to talk to you about 5k-10k months. 

I'm going to be honest and say at times it's felt like an uphill battle, a questioning of my vision, a questioning of myself, my heart. 

A deep questioning of...

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Meeting, nurturing & liberating the teenage self... šŸŒ¹āœØ

Uncategorized Aug 15, 2023

2-4 minute read

A share from the heart… 

I realise now why I’ve been so resistant to showing up online, this past month especially, and why I’ve needed to go inward and ask what I need, a lot... 

I’ve been having some very healing conversations this week. And it seems around my birthday, lots has wanted to come up to be felt this year. I feel grateful I've allowed myself space to just be within that. To hold space for myself to lean into what was there and what naturally wanted to emerge. 

I’ve been gradually getting to know my inner teenager this summer… spending time with these parts of me at Buddhafield, Burning Woman festival, whilst away with the family, and on my 31st birthday…

It seems the little 11-13 year old ‘emo/mosher’, with her rounded shoulders, head held down, hidden in her dark hoody, has had a lot to feel, and a lot to share and express. 

It feels so beautiful, albeit raw and...

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Why I left my career & moved to Newquay for the Winter

Uncategorized Apr 11, 2023

I couldn't breathe...

As I drove home from work after, yet another, late night, I felt my hands gripping on to the steering wheel. My chest grew tighter. My jaw welded shut with tension. My shoulders raised up to my ears with the stress of it all. The chronic stress of a life that I just couldn't live anymore.

As I sat at the bottom of my stairs, waiting for my chest to soften, my heart rate to slow down, fearful that could I have pushed myself too far this time... I knew something had to change. And it had to change quick. 

Had thirty years of people pleasing, overworking and self-abandonment, finally taken its toll? My body was screaming out for something to change. It was sending me all the signals to STOP. To hit the pause button on life. To slow everything right down. Yet I kept pushing and pushing. After leaving my relationship of four years and managing the aftermath that unfolding for the 18 months that followed, my stress levels, my patience had been pushed...

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The Invitations of our Inner Winter... Letting the Body Lead

Uncategorized Feb 08, 2023

Please note, the below content contains sensitive material linked to menstruation and menstrual health/complications with very mild reference to surgery and other topics that may feel uncomfortable or triggering depending on your own experiences. Please do reach out if you would like to explore your needs further. 

The Invitations of our Inner Winter... Letting the Body Lead.

This evening as I gave myself permission to ‘mix things up’ and continue my walk outside, as I hopped on my scheduled Instagram Live for our 'Hey Body evening gratitude' practice, I decided to let my body lead… 

‘Wait, you spontaneously decided to do your Instagram Live outside instead of at your usual “workspace”… WOW CALM DOWN MEGG!’ I know, crazy right… 

Yet for any of you people pleasers, perfectionists, self-abandoners, high standards queens, you’ll know exactly where I’m coming from when you convince yourselves...

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