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The Year I Chose to Embody my Business & Everything Changed....

Uncategorized Apr 09, 2024

Winter 2022...

A year of gradually preparing to reduce, and leave the stressful career I'd been building since the tender age of 14... (Child Development, Psychology, Play & Creative Arts Therapy...)

to become the embodiment of my Heart's Deepest Calling & Vision...

To birth a vision that felt...

Deeply aligned

True in my heart

Alive in my belly 

A deep spaciousness in my throat...

A deep Remembering in my womb...

A deep knowing that I am embodying my core values in everything I breathe my heart into...

Jan 2023... was the year I invested in Me, and the EMBODIMENT of my Heart, my Relationships, my Business, my Vision. 

I continue to breathe my life, my essence, my heart into Her each and every day...

No longer as my 'work'...

But as my 'way of being...'

She has become a creative, authentic, empowering canvas... through who I live my life, my desires, my passions, my relationships... 


She is me.

I am her. 

My Loves... this is no longer 

'a business'

She is an expression of my soul. 

She is a vehicle for my growth. 

She is a platform for my offerings & contribution.

She is a daily reminder of 

who I came here to be. 

She ripples through my veins when I'm feeling numb or disheartened...

She vibrates through my bones... when I lose solid ground....

She sings through my voice... when I remember 

what I am hear to say...

She breathes into my womb... when I shrink into old ways...

She pulsates in my heart... when I feel I've lost my way...

She is my baby. 

She is the teen.

She is my mother. 

She is my wise old grandmother.

She is the guiding light. 

She is the force 

to be reckoned with. 

She is the Creatrix.

She is the Wisdom Keeper.

She is the Poet.

She is the Queen. 

She is the Artist.

She is the Rebel.

She is the Seductress. 

She is the Lover. 

She is the Visionary...

She is the Way Finder...

She is the Storyteller...

'She Embraces It All...'

She is the Liberation of me.

She is the Embodiment of all that I represent... 

All that I came here to be...

All that I stand for...

All that I am here to say...

All that I am here to breathe into existence...

All that I am here to breathe life in to...

All that I am here to invite you into deeper within yourself...

All that I am here to envision...  

Not just for me, my inner child or my teen...

But for the women who came before me...

My mother...

My grandmothers...

My ancestors...

And for the women and children who are yet to walk here on this earth..

Who are yet to walk their own path...

Our daughters...

Our sons...

Our grandchildren... 


This is no longer about me, my Love. 

This is no longer about you...

This is about us.

And who we are Collectively here to be, to breathe life into, to Embody, to Create,

to Envision for our Future.

For the Future of our Children.


I spent the first years of my business...






Trying to do it all alone, to make it on my own, to be 'something' or 'somebody' alone...


I realise now... that this vision was so much bigger than me. 

She has taken on a life of her own...

I'm letting her guide the way as I breathe life into her... and as she continues to breathe life into me...

And I am hearing her call...

I'm hearing your deeper call... the call of the many women yearning to Embody themselves and their visions, their hearts more fully. 

To pave another way... 





We breathe life into you...

As you breathe life into Her...

As we breathe life into one another...

Our individually unique and collective vision & wisdom...


Here, we Embody more of You...

As Your business, Your vision... merely becomes the living, breathing expression of You...

Weaving Your essence into Her, one self-enquiry, one sigh of relief, one practice... one heart's devotion at a time...


Here, 2024... is where we begin to weave together Your Medicine... 

Your Embodied Business.

Your Embodied Vision for Our Future. 

And for all those yet to come... 


It's time my love... It's time. 


Here's where you can begin to lean in... 

Your Embodied Business Journey... the Mentorship... 



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