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Running a Heart-led Business ~ Let's talk numbers... 

Uncategorized Apr 09, 2024

Running a Heart-led Business ~ Let's talk numbers... 

My love,  

You were never solely in this for the money, we know that... yet you know you can't keep pouring your heart into your vision and your heart's passion without any return or stability. 

The financial security, the regular clients, the consistent engagement with what you're offering, is what you feel will continue to support you on this heart-led mission.

This steadiness, will support you in freeing up the space in your heart, for more of your creativity, your passion and your wisdom to flow through into the Collective.

Where it is so needed right now. 

As an embodied business owner, who decided to go 'all in' in January 2023, I'm not going to sit here and pretend that it's been easy. Or to talk to you about 5k-10k months. 

I'm going to be honest and say at times it's felt like an uphill battle, a questioning of my vision, a questioning of myself, my heart. 

A deep questioning of whether it was actually possible to build my business & vision in a way that felt deeply heart-centred, loving, spacious, aligned, ethical, human... and honouring of Woman.

To continue to pave my own way. 

To remain in deep integrity.

This became, a continual devotion to cultivating my vision from the ground up, in a way that felt deeply integral to the life, the way of being, the values I hold so dearly in my heart. 

With this gradual momentum... a deep honouring of the seasons... and my own cyclical nature... I made a slow and steady 10k, in my first full year of business.

That's £10,000 worth of investment that other women placed into themselves through my services from Jan 23-Jan 24. From the very first woman who invested £33 into herself and that entered my account as an exchange for my hearts offering... on 6th February 2023...

It's worth noting, that this was also the same year that I was continuing to recover, process, grieve, heal, strengthen & reclaim myself, from what had been the most challenging year of my life yet...

The Year of the Saturn Return...!


My Love...

My vision right now... is not the 5k or the 10k months, the six-figure life... 

I left a life of climbing, of striving, of chasing... to slow down my way of being.

To heal my fragile heart and nervous system and to nurture, a slow, steady, nourishing and sustainable business.

A vision. Led from my heart.

Which honours my body, my cycles, my seasons, First. 

One where my three year growth vision and steady expansion feels more like....

Year one... £10,000.00 (£850 p/month)

Year two... £24k-£30k (£2000-£2500 p/month)

Year three... £30-40k (£2500-£3333 p/month)

....and from there... a steady maintaining... enhancing... simplifying... embodying... savouring... of this steady organic growth that feels easeful and gradual to my nervous system. 


These days... I'm all about the intimate, cosy, nourishing, wholesome, spacious, joyous, pleasurable, liberating & heart-filled life!

One where I can gradually increase & expand my capacity to create, offer, hold & receive more.


Over the past four years, I've supported many experienced, successful business women and coaches... hitting those quick big months... those 5k months... those six-figure years... only to feel burnt out, disconnected, overwhelmed and questioning why they are here in the first place. 

This is not my intention for my vision...

This is not my intention for your vision... 

...nor the other heart-led women who choose to journey alongside me. 


When I look back to where I was three-five years ago....


I was working... climbing the career ladder... five/six days... 50-70 hours per week... 

I was sitting in 2-4 hours of daily traffic... 

Waking up miserable... exhausted... disconnected from my own needs and desires....

Only to return home... miserable.. exhausted and disconnected. 

Stuck on a hamster wheel of anxiety, stress, overwhelm and resentment...

A wheel in a cog that pushed me past my limits... stunted my creativity... placed my values and integrity into question and drained my zest for life.

I didn't see a way out. 

My mental and physical health hit rock bottom...

Chest pains... eye twitching... I was edging my way toward complete burn out. 

My mind, my heart, my body was telling me...

...something needed to change.


Here's what happened when I made that change... (see next blog post below my love)...

Enter the world of soulful entrepreneurship... 


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