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Meeting, nurturing & liberating the teenage self... 🌹✨

Uncategorized Aug 15, 2023

2-4 minute read

A share from the heart… 

I realise now why I’ve been so resistant to showing up online, this past month especially, and why I’ve needed to go inward and ask what I need, a lot... 

I’ve been having some very healing conversations this week. And it seems around my birthday, lots has wanted to come up to be felt this year. I feel grateful I've allowed myself space to just be within that. To hold space for myself to lean into what was there and what naturally wanted to emerge. 

I’ve been gradually getting to know my inner teenager this summer… spending time with these parts of me at Buddhafield, Burning Woman festival, whilst away with the family, and on my 31st birthday…

It seems the little 11-13 year old ‘emo/mosher’, with her rounded shoulders, head held down, hidden in her dark hoody, has had a lot to feel, and a lot to share and express. 

It feels so beautiful, albeit raw and challenging  at times, to be with this part of me. To offer her space. 

And I realise now, that she only now feels safe to reemerge because of the safety I have created for her to come through. 

Just as the teenagers, would hesitantly drag themselves into the therapy room with me over the years, hiding parts of themselves until they learned that it was safe to express themselves freely without judgment. Learning that I wasn’t going to reject those parts of them or leave them in the rawness. 

I too, am continuing to build trust within myself. So that any parts that want to emerge, be that my inner child or inner teen… she knows now that it’s safe. Each time I’ve tended to her when she’s emerged as a toddler, a little girl, I’ve shown her that I’m here. Time and time again. Meeting her with presence, love and compassion. 

And it’s only been through this building of this safety and trust over the past 8 years, that my teenager has finally felt safe to reemerge more fully…

She knows now that I’ve got her. 

Within her avoidance, within her hesitancy, within her facade, I’m here. And so as she lowers the masks, testing the boundaries, she knows I’m not going anywhere… and I can hold her in her resistance, her sadness, in her agitation, in her rage, in her playfulness, her silliness. 

I’m here for it all. 

To tell her that she matters. 

That she is important. 

And to remind her that she always was 🌹✨

Some might not understand why I explore what I do. For some it may potentially be quite confronting because society often encourages us to mask, to repress, and to stay ‘needing’ something from the outside world. Outside of ourselves.


Although, I understand why I’m here. I understand the value of this work. This inner journey. 

And I’m so grateful to my adult self, for her consistency, her love, her presence. Even when it gets really tough, and parts of me want to scream, cry, and kick my feet in the sand. She’s been here. Holding me. Witnessing me. Loving me. 

And well, I find that just bloody beautiful. 

And so this year, as I head into my 31st year around the sun… 

I’m over here having a party and a wee celebration with all of my parts, my inner child, my inner teen, my emerging wild woman, the inner lover, the creatrix and the wise woman. With a new found sense of fire to honour these parts of me like never before. To show up for these parts of myself in the ways they are truly so worthy of 🌹✨

To be so present with these parts of me that they learn how it feels to receive deep consistent love. 

And to all of the parts still yet to come… I’ll see you next year if not before! 


If you’ve made it this far, and this resonates on some level, I’d love to support you as you too, cultivate safety deep within yourself. So that the parts of you that feel lost, and unseen, can feel safe enough to reemerge… So you can reclaim all of your wonderful self. Knowing that you can hold all of you 🌹❀️‍πŸ”₯✨

It’s a courageous, powerful path to take. Yet it also gets to be incredibly subtle and tender. One where we let go of blame. One where we stop pointing the finger. 

One where we become the very person we’ve been searching for. 

To explore how we might be able to explore this together, head over to:

She exists in you. She just needs to know you’ve got her, before she can shine through again. 

I do this inner work, so I can reclaim and honour more of me, so in turn, I can invite and honour more of you. 

And there’s nothing I find more beautiful than that. 

Sending so much love, from all my parts, to yours… 

Megg πŸŒΉπŸ’›βœ¨


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