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My Embodied Devotion... in the creation of my heart-felt business & heart-led vision...

Uncategorized Apr 09, 2024


When I decided to devote myself to the EMBODIMENT of my business & heart-felt vision...

I knew that I wanted it to feel...

Deeply loving



I am where I am in my business vision, here today, for a number of reasons.

Here are just a few of them...

...Regular Embodied Practice...

a devotion to meeting myself with the same Compassion, Presence, Grace & Self-Leadership

I invite other women into every day

A Devotion to...

...Somatic self-awareness.

...Radical honesty & self-responsibility.

...Unwavering self-compassion.

...Deeper self-enquiry.

....Deeper self-integrity.

....Cultivation of self-trust.

...Daily Embodiment of my core values. 

...Supporting myself to receive and to feel held by my peers in loving & supportive community. 

...Investing in empowering & life-enhancing experiences with women who inspire me deeply.

...Aligned mentorship with heart-led, embodied & visionary women. 

...Deep self-leadership. 

...Deep Embodiment.

...Loving accountability.



...Deeper reflection, integration, expansion. 

...Deeper Devotion.





My loves, I have, and continue to cultivate and weave together my embodied vision from this place. 

Noticing every time I doubt myself. 

Each time I question my next step. 

All the times, I've shared an offering I feel so passionate about, only to receive tumbleweeds....

Noticing all of the times it would have felt easier to shrink away, to not lean in, to not hear this much deeper call from within my heart...

This deep Remembering within my bones...

My love...

If you are here purely for the 'know-how' strategy, quick income, rapid growth, and sales funnels tips....

I am quite possibly not the woman for you. 

If you are here for something much deeper...

To reconnect with the layers of yourself that you know are your heart's deepest calling...

To finally uncover the truth of what's really been holding you back...

To expand into You, Your Heart, Your own Embodied Leadership and unwavering Self-Trust...

If you are ready to journey that layer deeper... 

And to birth your business from this place...

A place that meets you in the entirety of your humanness... 

So that your vision simply becomes a Living, Breathing, Authentic, Loving & Liberating expression of who you truly naturally are...


Then let's lean in my love...


As I show you behind the scenes...

and the steady growth,

in all things business...

And as we start weaving your heart-filled ideas into tangible creations & offerings.

I'm here for the practice sessions, the confidence building, the tech know-how, the sounding board of your ideas, the increased visibility, the accountability...

I'm here for it all my loves!

Supporting you every step of the way! 


Let's lean in...

Your Embodied Business Journey...


50% Complete

Two Step

Hey my love!

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