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Heart-Led Business... Where it all began...

Uncategorized Apr 09, 2024

Where it all began...


In 2021...

My loves, I stepped back from my first business (The Centre Space - 2020), and surrendered into the void... the unknown...

I made this choice, because I realised I wasn't fully Embodying my message, my vision, my heart. 

Sure... I 'appeared' confident... 

Sure... I was talking the talk...

Yet I wasn't fully 'feeling it'...

I wasn't fully 'breathing it' into my entire being.

I was fully 'leaning in'...

I wasn't fully believing in it. 

I wasn't believing in me. 

Or my vision. 

A part of me was still searching, seeking, chasing, striving for something through my business.

Sure, I was creating the business... 

Yet a part of me still felt deeply unfulfilled and misaligned. 

Imposter syndrome grew deeper...

Validation seeking became debilitating...

My confidence plummeted with every post, heart-felt expression, creation... offer... that didn't quite receive the engagement I'd hoped...

After a year of entering into deep change, deep heart break, grief, reclamation, empowerment, inspiration, adventure, clarity, connection and transition...


I returned at the end of 2022 more aligned & passionate than ever before.

And I realised where I had been deeply misaligned in my business.  

January 2023 was the moment I devoted myself to going 'all in...' and Embodying my Business... my Heart-Felt Vision more fully than ever before! 

I'm not going to sit here and pretend it's been plain sailing my love...

Yet I made the decision to devote myself to a year of steady, more easeful... gradual... aligned... loving... trusting... sustainable... visionary... liberating...

Embodied Business growth. 

And I'm so incredibly proud of everything that has unfolded along the way...

I am so incredibly proud of the Woman I have Remembered, Returned to and Devoted myself to Embodying more fully within my business here today. 

And so, as I land into deep reflection, integration, celebration, growth and gradual expansion of me, my heart, my essence, my vision...

I'm here to invite us all into something much deeper than simply a 'business...'

Your Embodied Business Journey...



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