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She Embraces It Allā„¢

Empowering you to reclaim inner leadership of your life, your relationships and your work so you can live a life filled with more balance, ease, spaciousness & liberation

Join us Sister, all of you is welcome.

Welcome my love, Iā€™m Megg, Creative Embodiment Coach & Creator of She Embraces It All. I support busy, exhausted women to become unstuck in life & in business, empowering you to reignite your spark and your zest for life! Itā€™s such a pleasure to welcome you into this space. Letā€™s journey through your ā€˜Initial Invitationsā€™

A nourishing blend of one-to-one, community and self-exploration experiences to start you off on this embodied journey into your own well-'being'. You can find weekly, monthly, free opportunities over on our private Instagram community page @she_embraces_it_all @megg_embodiment_coach

Your session with Megg

If you are curious and are wanting to start moving your life, your relationships, or your business towards moreĀ balance, clarity, inner peace and fulfilment... is your initial invitation to discover how this path may further support & nourish you.Ā 

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Your Monthly Experiences

A nourishing blend of uplifting, creative and embodied experiences throughout each month.

Inviting you back into presence with your mind-body connection, in a sisterhood of heart-centred women devoted to the very same sense of well 'being'.

Ready to join us Sister?

Your Self-Paced, Self-Nourishing Journey

Returning to your rhythms, your cyclical Feminine nature, restoring your flow, your connection toĀ Mother Nature, your creativity, your need for deep rest, your Cyclical wellbeing.

ReturningĀ this AutumnĀ 2024

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She Embraces It All isn't just a vision, a brand or a business, she is your invitation to dive deeper into your own sense of 'being'.

To lay down the masks, the roles, the expectations that weigh heavy on your heart, your body, your soul, even if for a brief moment.

So you can begin to return to the very essence of who you truly are, your light & your dark, your hopes & your dreams, your values & your truth.

She is the one that whispers for you to come home...

She is the one who is inviting you to Embrace the Full Spectrum of who you truly are. Who you always have been…

She is you, She is me, She is us.

She is all we are devoted to being, to breathing, to liberating.

Welcome Home Sister.

This is your experience, your story, your journey.

Next steps? It all starts with you my love,

Your Journey Awaits

If you are ready to deepen your practice & your awareness... If you are ready to Embody all that you are, in life, relationship and business. To step into all that you are & release all that you are not. Here are your guided experiential opportunities to discover your own Truth, your own Embodied Wisdom. Here are your opportunities to build a life that feels sustainable, nourishing & liberating.

Your Invitation Toward Cultivating Your Mind-Body Connection


Sitting with yourself compassionately... How connected do you feel to yourself right now? This past week, month or year? To your mind, your body, your soul, your heart?


What would it be like to feel moreĀ grounded, more rootedĀ into your values, your desires, your truest Self?

Here is your one-month 1-1 guided coaching experience, where together, we will begin to rediscoverĀ your own infinite embodied wisdom.


Ready to Lean In...

Ā Your Journey into your most Nourished, Creative, Sensual, Liberated Self

Here is your 3-4 month 1-1 guided coaching journey, where together, we will discoverĀ your own infinite embodied wisdom.

What would it mean to live a life, Fully Expressed. Fully aligned to your values, your truth, your vision. Unapologetically. Compassionately. Courageously...

To Embody them. Fully. To Breathe them, into every facet of your being...

To feel your innate wisdom, deep in your bones, to hear the whispers of your inner Child, your inner Queen, your inner Seductress, your inner Lover, yourĀ Full Spectrum Woman calling you home...

Here is our 3-4month, 1-1 immersion, returning to the Fullness of who you are, and who you came here to be.

She's ready! Are you...?

Ready to Journey Home?

"First of all being in Meggs energy is all that you need. She is inspiring, relatable, and the most authentic being I have ever had the privilege of being lead by. She accepts you exactly as you are because you are always exactly where you need to be. The 4 weeks together really taught me to slow down and ask what it is I need, what my body needs and just let it be. My automatic is to "get things done" and in her space I felt held and supported to just be vulnerable and real, just as myself. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, being the sister I always imagined having. You really do make dreams come true xox"

Pleasure Empowerment Coach

"I felt very safe and not rushed in, feeling really seen and heard. Due to the relaxing pace and words that Megg reflected back. 1 came with a topic that felt overwhelming and huge and left with a feeling of ease and clarity what will be my next steps. Not thinking it out with my mind but feeling it with my body, that this feels right and appropriate to do. I would recommend Megg to anyone who needs to find answers to difficult topics and wishes to do so in a really gentle and loving way, as a treat to yourself."

Life Coach

"I had been feeling the call to reach out to Megg for an embodiment session as I had been feeling super disconnected from my body which is a recurring theme when work and life gets busy. She is extremely kind and has such a soothing nature that makes you feel immediately at ease. I don't have much experience with somatic coaching and have never been able to really understand how to drop in and listen to my own body. Megg explained the process beautifully as I had always felt this would be difficult or uncomfortable but it was quite the opposite! I felt really assured and safe as she guided me through some practices and I had such a beautiful experience with Megg. I left the session feeling nourished, radiant and peaceful and more connected to myself than ever before. The session has also allowed me to reassess how I look after my body and work on my mind-body connection to find more balance moving forward. I can already feel the immense effects of this and I cannot thank Megg enough for guiding me through this wonderful experience. I will be using her practices daily and booking in for more sessions - she is a pure gem in this world and I am so grateful that I took the leap with her."

Confidence & Empowerment Coach

"Working with Megg is life-changing I worked with her several month and every time, I left the session with more presence in my body a greater acceptance of what my body wants to tell me. Her loving presence, her soothing voice, her curiosity always there as an offering for going more deeper inside. I would definitely recommend her for anyone who feels like she can be helpful because if this is your intuition, this is there for a reason. Investing in her coaching is a way for each one of us to invest in more life for the community she will bless through her work. Working with Megg is a way to be in the school of "being with" & Thank you Megg "

Somatic Coach / Entrepreneur

"I had the wonderful experience of an embodiment practise with Megg. She took me on a beautiful journey connecting to my body and intuitive feelings that were hidden deep within. The experience was compelling and so nourishing. I felt into things that I didn't even realise were stuck and got to face feelings I had buried! Being able to connect to my body was so special and such an important part within my healing journey. Megg's energy is so beautiful calming a relaxing that immediately felt comfortable and free to express and speak to. She created this session so beautifully I feel honoured to have experienced this with her."

Astrology Coach / Soul Purpose Coach

"My coaching sessions with Megg have had such wonderful warmth at their core. A nourishing space to come into myself. Her presence helped me come to new insights and integrate parts of me that I needed to connect with for change to become possible... She asks questions that help me clarify my intentions and really helps me feel supported while in that space of not-yet-knowing. She has a beautiful embodied approach to coaching, and helps my answers unfold through Focusing activities and integration prompts. I notice myself leaving her sessions with a sense of "this is just what I needed :)"

Somatic Coach

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Hey my love!

Great to connect! Pop your details & preference below so I can add you to our mailing list & keep you in the loop. So much love, Megg xxx